Friday, May 23, 2008

Sejarah daddy

I hope anak-anak tahu serba sedikit asal usul daddy. Mungkin daddy tak banyak cerita tentang masa lampau dan mungkin tak banyak yang nak dicerita atau daddy tak tahu nak sampaikan.

Seperti umum tahu, daddy lahir di Singapura pada 2hb June 1967 di Hospital Kandang Kerbau

Warisan utk anak-anak

My daughters. I have come-up with this blog for you to remember your origin and should i pass away, i want you to remember the writings which I have posted as this would be part of your memory.

Maybe all of you being 11, seven and four are too young to understand what I have left you. But I hope this would serve as a memory for you of me.